By Chidiebere Okeoji
Many may think that I enjoy talking about some of the things done wrongly by my south eastern brothers. And a lot more may see my outbursts as acts of sabotage; but seriously, they are worth talking about. It drives me insane when I see people sheepishly follow a few wise manipulators in the name of agitation.

How can it be that people, mostly youths, allow some smart elements make name and money, using them as tools? Do not say I have come again because this is my passion- to speak the truth no matter whose ox is gored!

Call me mad if you like, but I must point that after the demise of Dim Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu, the Biafran warlord, none has been able to put on the shoes he left. For one, he perhaps regretted leading the Igbos to war against Nigeria, and two, the environments that made him take up the challenge are no longer here for any of those claiming to be championing the Biafra course.

I want to liken those elements still deceptively pushing the Biafra agenda to the like of “KANU” of the youths earnestly ask for Abacha-Yeah, who vaporized, abandoning his cohorts, when Abacha fell.

I do not know why these matters keep erupting in me. But it could be as a result of the light in me, which continually seeks expression, and which seeks to propel me towards salvaging my brothers from the grip of ignorance.