To Our Beloved Queen Naomi,
I want to extend a heartfelt word of encouragement to you during this challenging time, following the tragic incident at the Children’s Fiesta in Ibadan. My prayers are with the families who have lost their precious children, and I pray that God grants them the strength and resilience to bear this irreparable loss.

As a mother who has experienced the pain of losing a child, I understand the depth of sorrow and grief that comes with such a tragedy. But I want you to know that you are not alone, and that God is with you, even in the midst of this storm.

Remember, dear Queen, that with power comes pain. Those in positions of leadership often bear the weight of responsibility and scrutiny. But I urge you to remain strong in faith, knowing that this too shall pass. The storms of life will rage, but they will also subside, making way for calmer skies and brighter days.

You are a servant of God, and He has called you to a great purpose. This trial will not define you, but rather refine you for the greater work ahead. I pray that God guides and strengthens you during this challenging time, and that you emerge stronger, wiser, and more radiant than ever.

Don’t lose heart, dear Queen. You are a beacon of hope and inspiration to many. Your faith, resilience, and strength will carry you through this difficult time.
May God comfort and uphold you, now and always.
Bishop Dr Priscilla Otuya
Int’l Prelate
United Gospel Churches Association of Nations,
President General,
Mothers of the Nations Organizations for Peace and development