By Emeagi Emeka Williams
IF there is a platform or an abode where Rescue, Rehabilitation and Reconciliation eventually become the lot of an abandoned, dejected and deprived person, that realm is the So- Said Charity Homes, the world of charitable and humane social servants cut out uniquely to ensure succour for the socially challenged from diverse backgrounds.

With a corporate nomenclature that speaks volumes of divine mandate and proclamation, leading to amazing exploits, the So- Said Homes revolves and thrives on divine direction and leading, such that forced the founder and visioner to abandon her prestigious law career to outrightly pursue humanitarian works to the glory of God.
This global divinely guided mission has a history that dates back to the year 2000, a period when it meandered the slums of Ajegunle where it began operations in shack; a reality that confirms that even to get God’s gold requires digging, phenomenon that readily brings to mind the Biblical Abraham and the divine guidance that prospered and enlarged his coast, rendering him b-l-e-s-s-e-d.

The “So-Said” metamorphosis is tantamount to a grass-to-grace experience that took the unique Charity Home developmentally from phase to phase!
But this glory story is not devoid of unwholesome encounters that characterize all beginnings.

The So- Said Modus Operandi (The rescue process):

Gender-based So-Said Charity Homes has burden to rescue adult women (18 and above) from the shackles of so deprivation and or hopelessness.
A street-based mission; the social workers spot women with various depressing cases, such as marital, relationship, family and sundry societal pressures, picks them up, washes them clean, takes them for medical care, before giving them habitation, education, counselling and empowerment.
At the end, all these strategic processes, a fact finding procedure begins to verify beneficiary’s background with the view to reconcile or reunite her.
Most times, the reunification is a tears – evoking drama, because most families suddenly realise that their once abandoned member has become refined and useful – COURTESY OF SO-SAID!
This awful, amazing and totally godly reality will shock you!
So-Said Charity Homes grants employments to the Rescued, Refined and Reconciled ones.
This way, their hopes are rekindled, their joy will be full, and hopelessness never will be their lots!
Great patriotic and statesmanly feats you screamed?
This rescue vanguard is duly registered.
It has statutory endorsements and affiliations.
As a departure from the norm, this great family follows the processes of rescuing, refining, training, empowering, educating and employing hitherto hopeless and vulnerable members of a vicious society.
Simply put, So-Said Charity Homes is a Crime Preventor; Job Creator; Life Enhancer; Saver,etc.
In a nutshell, it is worthy of mention that without So- Said, suicide, hopelessness, nuisance, criminality, etc by women (mothers of the nation) will be on a colossal increase!
As a natural law, for a flight, wings are needed; for a climbing, ladders and stairs are crucial, and for a building, bricks are essential…
So-Said Homes needs finances to build and consolidate humanitarian services through its national network that comprise over 10 (ten) outlets fundamentally RESCUING young and old women across board.
So if you love these works, do charitably and expediently help buy them Rescue Buses, Finance some Skill impartation, Some Education, Some Feeding, etc.
YOU KNOW WHAT? SO- SAID subsidizes quality education to a brest minimum, a peculiar scholarship dimension that even reaches other indigent pupils whose parents could perhaps never have afforded education.
This educational opportunity the So-Said Charity Homes provides in places where schooling costs a fortune ordinarily.
Dangote Foundation is already tapping into this divine humanitarian partnership!