By Emeka Williams
Obviously ruled by raw patriotism and the penchant to effect strategic leadership transformation in Nigeria, fire spitting preacher and social crusader, Bishop James Grand Okocha, has described the Nigerian Federation as a sinking ship which only new breed leaders can rescue.

Speaking shortly after the New Nigeria Leadership Forum awards where he was also honoured recently in Lagos, Okocha who remains the President General, Christian Ministers Universal Forum and Vice President of the Initiative for Better and Brighter Nigeria (IBBN) described the Nigerian old generation politicians as spent forces who should be boosted out.

“Any old politician who had been part of the socio economic disaster that has ravaged Nigeria since over 20 years now should not make it to 2023.
“They are professional politicians who got into political leadership to make profit and not to grow the nation”, Okocha affirmed.

Calling on the Nigerian electorate to approach 2023 with the spirit of patriotism, he noted that the long anticipated Nigerian revolution will happen through the ballot, describing Nigeria as a rickety and sinking ship.

On the killing that happened in Owo, Ondo state in a church, Okocha condemned the act, pointing that it is an act only possibly by demon possessed people. He also stated that it can only happen in a place like Nigeria where religion has devastating impact on the people.
“Religion has destroyed Nigeria. It is only in Nigeria that people seek power from God and use the same power to fight for God.
“Nigerians are too religious that while God expects them to take actions, they abandon even what God has empowered them to do for God”, he buttressed.
Appreciating KOGA Faith USA and Nigeria for honouring him with the Leadership and Integrity awards, he hailed the conveners for their insight on the need for leadership, political and democratic impartations, sharing that the development has substantiated his age long Clarion call for Christians to key into the leadership affairs of the nation in order to end the dominion of wicked or evil leaders.
Ending Okocha averred that there is a remarkable difference between the current quasi united Nigeria and the impending New Nigeria where liberty and true unity will be heralded by new ideology.
He stated, “I am an advocate of a new Nigeria, different from the present delusive structure being promoted by corrupt leaders, and I have committed ideas, time and resources to the noble course.