By Timeswatch
Beyond spinning the fine yarn on the pulpit, and beyond the customary sermons that often times border on salvation and damnation, This Present House, has set the trend for a Christianity that builds a paradisal earth that depopulates the kingdom of darkness with ease.

With what could best be described as strategic Christian leadership, which wells from the pulpit and cascades through the totality of true Christianity, this contemporary church has evolved to re write the narrative in the Christianity space, using Corporate Social Responsibility, CSR as tool for societal advancement, human capital development and spiritual growth.
As a ministry on a mission to adorn the paths of life with gold, using a Midas dimension, This Present House, has grown to become a governing christian cross-cultural province with facets that resiliently undertake herculean social challenges overlooked by government, and also obviously neglected or dreaded by faith-based contemporaries.
And the aftermath of the TPH socio economic cum leadership interventions have been palpable reforms, transformation and diverse humanistic solace, that merely take away misery and public heat.
Although most of these heaven-inspired super-terrestrial exploits are not showcased in the public space, they have been accomplished over a few decades, and the momentum is gathering.

In preparation for their forthcoming National Women Summit, This Present House, at a press briefing held at its Lekki phase 1 headquarters, Lagos, yesterday, TPH, through the resident pastor, Nwoko Jude and his dazzling team, highlighted the essence of the looming women gathering. And it was awesome to hear that its core purpose is to arrest a myriad of national hiccups from the home fronts, a strategic missionary approach which tames social problems from their breeding grounds. This methodology Nwoko said is most effective due to the instrumentality of a woman in family management, and by extension, community/nation building.
The pastors of the TPH all gave good accounts of what they know of their beloved ministry, and it awed the media professionals, that each pastor was driven by passion and a sense of responsibility attached to their colossal collective dream.

R-L Pst Dele Balogun, Pst Dr. Toke Oke, Pst Jude Nwoko (Resident Pastor), Pst Okosun Ben Collins.
As a summation, Pastor Nwoko stressed, ” Under the leadership of the set man of This Present House, Dr.Tony Rapu, the various ministries and departments of this house are doing a lot. And all our deeds are divinely guided and passion-driven. So right from here in Lekki our base, we take these services everywhere in Nigeria, till they also berth at global stages.
“Leadership is of essence to us and we inculcate this through mentorship to generate the right kind of leaders.
If we have the right leaders handling different families and professional areas, automatically, the nation is healed.
“Effective leadership should not be traced to political leadership alone.
TPH has shown this reality by the things we do across board, ensuring that younger Nigerians are nurtured to attain the callings God ordained for them”.

In the long run at the briefing, it became manifest that This Present House has become a christian brand so imparting and impacting.
As a local church, its unique CSR culture has redefined the Nigerian space, refining and salvaging victims and vulnerable ones, ravaged by cultism, drug addiction, prostitution, penury and diverse social challenges.
Did I hear you say ” what a rescue mission”?
Never stopping TPH only recently held a prayer walk and a keep-Lekki-Clean move to achieve healthy environment. Guess what; the activities were heralded by a clarion call that made the response massive.