By Emeagi Emeka Williams
HE is easy going, down- to- earth, unassuming, prig, prim and proper.
He simply goes by the simple appellation- Pastor, though he actually is a ‘tough’ prophet of God.
He has remained a quiet role model whose christ-like and examplary living have diversely influenced many an unbeliever to seek goodness. He has held the torch in order to illuminate the paths of many hitherto in the dark alleys and valleys of life, even offered spiritual , prophetic and material lifelines for them to climb out of their downtrodden states…

Welcome to the world of Prophet Pastor EASY ONYEANWU, tireless and firespitting preacher of the word of God, who pilots the affairs of the popular Christ Battle Solution Assembly, CBSA, Ijegun-Ikotun, Lagos, through the superintendency of God Almighty.

This Owerri, Imo state born prophet and philanthropist has a christianity profile or history which dates back to his days of birth, owing to the fact that his mother who realised that he survived a poisonous attack while in her womb, dedicated him to serve God as a Reverend Father; situation which made him attend some Catholic Seminary.

And as the twists and turns of life aborted that move, manoeuvred and pursued another ecclessiastical dimension until he returned to track.
So from being a mystery and destiny child, he has become a mysterious man of prophecies who stays cool and collected, knowing that all prophecies are divinely directed.

Using his God-given ministry, he has altered the bitter tales of many to sonorous songs of joy- simply by seeking divine solutions to their battles, to make them emerge BATTLE WINNERS; but he never does these without instilling in them the consciousness that Christ is ALL!
For over a decade now, Prophet Easy had been in the vineyard ensuring the depopulation of the world of wickedness and sin to the pain of the accuser of the brethren.
His milk of human benevolence has rendered his ministry into that which not only ensures deliverance via prophesies, but also ensures that others are happy; reality which could be attested to by those he fed and motivated during the gloomy days of the pandemic lockdown in Nigeria, using personal money and supported by his wife.
In talking about these feats, Pastor Easy opines that all church leaders and christians alike should embrace godlines and shun all forms of ostentatious living which lure others to sin, hopelessness and crime.He also emphasises the fundamental place of grace.
Isn’t Pastor Easy Onyeanwu the MAN OF GOD?