By Timeswatch
Bothered about the unsavoury situations in Nigeria and the general lamentations of the people, a Nigerian-Canadian and the Chief Executive Officer of Chinwe Nnagbo Foundation, CNF, Dr.Chinwe Nnagbo, has sent a clarion call to Nigerians to consider making the wisest electoral decisions of their lives towards electing credible leaders come 2023.

She sent this charge during a telephone chat with Timeswatch today, stating that the need for Nigerians to make this crucial decision at this critical moment can never be overemphasized.
Dr.Nnagbo buttressed that if her fellow compatriots can vote freely and wisely this time, they will get Nigeria right again.

Speaking, she noted, “A nation governed by great leaders is usually prosperous, provides abundant opportunities for her citizens to thrive and excel, even while contributing meaningfully to the growth of their nation’s economy”
“The business of chosing who will be at the helms of affairs at every level of decision making in the country should be taken seriously as the choices made will determine outcomes tomorrow, across board”.

The US based medical expert proceeded saying that leadership can be dispensed through various inputs by patriotic citizens, irrespective of professional disparities and places of residence, declaring that Nigeria is a great nation capable of springing to the comity of truly great nations.