By Emeagi Emeka Williams
At a just concluded Christian Association of Nigeria program in Abuja where Presidential candidates were in attendance, Professor Christopher Irene Imumolen, Presidential hopeful of the Accord Party, averred that the fear of God, tolerance and love are essential ingredients that could herald a better and brighter Nigeria.

While addressing the CAN leaders and the other dignitaries, he stressed the need for the people of Nigeria to significantly dwell in the awe of God Almighty, be tolerant of each other and loving in order to attain sanity and true nationhood.
“There is need for Nigerians to have the fear of God.
“A nation run without the fear of God will be run foolishly.
“It is in the Bible that the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom.
“It is a people without fear for God that will go into a Church to kill and run leadership recklessly”, Imumolen buttressed.

In further declarations, he sued for love for one another and tolerance, factors he said warrant a meaningful coexistence and overall growth.
He therefore tasked the leadership of CAN to let the love and order that exists in the top echelon to cascade through the cadres to ensure that the denominations such as the Celestial, C&S, Pentecostal, Catholic, Anglican and others live in unity of faith to bear the torch that builds the nation and liberates the world.

Imumolen also pointed that tolerance remains a strong unifying phenomenon which is a powerful catalyst for development, stressing that it helps to diffuse love and understanding across religion frontiers juxtaposing all people as God’s children.
“For a good society tolerance and love is key”, he asserted.
Professor Imumolen has emerged on Nigeria’s political space as a youthful force flying the amazing All for All mantra, a slogan that readily gives off his patriotic insistence on a Nigeria that is united by love.
He also champions the clamour for a stupendous national integration and orientation that place Nigeria first above all ethnic, religious and individual considerations, thus he constantly tells the electorate that a fresh leadership air can blow across the Nigerian territorial space, eliminating our national foes and woes, making Nigeria prosper again.