By Timeswatch
It was a historic moment yesterday, at the Bible Guest House, Ilupeju, Lagos, when Professor Christopher Imumolen, earthquaked the atmosphere with a swipe at the leadership of Nigeria.
Imumolen who is the Vice Chancellor of Global Wealth University, Togo, and the President of JPTS Institute of Science, Management & Technology thundered before guests and co awardees, that Nigeria’s precarious security and socio economic situations are hinged on bad leadership.

He made this remark shortly after he was conferred with the Timeswatch Nigerian Statesmanship-Integrity and Productivity Award.

Speaking, Prof. Imumolen described a situation where over 95% of the nation’s wealth is shared amongst 5%, while 5% scarce resources are sadly distributed to a whooping 95% as cruel, disgusting and unacceptable.
He noted that such a situation is a deliberate scheme of the greedy and usurping political elites to subdue, suppress and punish the citizens.

Lamenting and mentoring the celebrants, he declared that when very scarce resources are thrown to a large population of needy and starved people, strife, conflicts, agitations, even diverse criminality and unpatriotic ways will follow.
“Even in the habitats of animals such as the fish ponds, if the fish farmer serves the fishes inadequate feeds, they scramble for the feeds; and not satisfied, begin to tear and eat the flesh of others”, he pointed.
Imumolen who hailed the publishers of Timeswatch for putting the award/ lecture together in the interest of Nigeria at this crucial time, affirmed that no rational person will gainsay that Nigerians are good people who are victimised by bad leaders who turn citizens to cannibals, criminals killers, who helplessly war and bicker.
Professor Imumolen however urged Nigerians to legitimately form or join movements in order to galvanise ideas and political strategies to push away their oppressors from the corridors of power, stressing that allowing the wrong people to remain in power is tantamount to the insanity of choosing darkness to light, and consciously aiding the sustenance of an evil society.
“Now that 2023 is around the corner, everyone should rise to the electoral process.
” To pray is good, but citizens must leave religion and ethnic confines to take political steps to get rid of bad governance and misery in the land.
“Parents, heads of institutions and communities should expediently encourage political participation preparatory to the big 2023 election. This is the way Nigeria can work”, he intoned.
Finally Imumolen congratulated other recipients and buttressed the need for more commitment to the cause of building a better society, asserting that awards are pats on the back for greater works as far as he is concerned.
One of the evils of Nigeria highlighted by Prof.Imumolen during the award lecture is the refusal of the Nigerian leaders to allow enabling environments for potentials to grow to full economic maturity for the good of citizens.