By Emeka Williams
The Nigeria Modern Pentathlon Federation, through this medium, is delighted, to notify the general Public, that after a duly and indepth screening of the three nominated candidates for PATRONSHIP, of the federation, Chief JOSEPH EBOWUSIM, has been nominated, having polled a total of Eight(8) Votes, out the statutory Eighteen (18) Board Members, called to exercise their franchise, as envisaged, in the rules of the federation, and thereafter, his name was forwarded to the international and continental bodies, UIPM and CAPM, and the relevant Sports Authorities, in Nigeria.

In the course of our interaction, with the 1st Vice President, of Nigeria Modern Pentathlon Federation, Alhaji Abdul Mumin Sanni Gambari, who obliged us an interview, he confirmed the appointment of Chief Joseph Ebowusim, as the PATRON nominee, Nigeria Modern Pentathlon Federation, and affirmed, that their choice, was based on the sports antecedents, of Chief Joseph Ebowusim, whom he described, as a sports enthausiast, and do believe candidly, that his coming on board, is poised to be a spike, considering his wealth of experience.

Another board member, Dr. Jimmy Adeniyi, former acting Director, Nigeria Institute for Sports (NIS), also gave his consent as he confirmed, same to our reporter.

Nigeria Modern Pentathlon Federation, therefore, awaits the anticipated favourable consideration, of all concerned, in this regard and shall convey same, to the media, in a no distant time.