By Timeswatch
With an enviable record of prolonged prudential management of the Food and Beverage department of the Lagos Business School, Ogechi Jude-Emezuom has become that strategic hospitality brand with a Hallmark.

Ruled by raw meticulous characteristics in her qualitative duty dispensation, in a vital segment of an international tertiary citadel that the LBS is, Ogechi is presently setting the trend in ensuring that a pot pourri of global scholars and tourists alike find a home away from home in her ever tantalizing “custody”.
Although the LBS is naturally a grandeur milieu and a splendour to behold, experiencing the professional motherly and pampering touch of Madam Ogechi and her well-watered and organised team ignites an automatic nostalgia even while savouring the feel.

Little wonder service oriented and excellence poised Ogechi stops at nothing when it comes to galvanising essential resources and knowhow to put local and foreign delicacies on ground to meet the increasing demands of surging students and visitors whose needs keep evolving.

Calm but calculated, cool and collected Ogechi is a slave to her duty and a stupendous adherent to the codes of conducts of the LBS which she disclosed are tied to discipline, dedication, devoutness and focus on global best practices.
Testimonies of her outstanding productivity, even her time-tested attitudes of integrity and sheer character abound.
There is no gainsaying that that Ogechi’s sterling attributes and accompanying Midas touch to professional or duty demands are not unconnected to her background as one who ploughed a whooping 17 years into the banking world before berthing at the LBS for onward quality dispensation.
Who will not agree therefore that she is one of those aptly christened Development-Practitioners of our generation, especially because she carries a world of others along as she records successes.
Timeswatch editorial board however found her worthy of a unique media diadem for those involved in statesmanship productivity in Nigeria; action which is tantamount to what obtains progressively in other climes.
With this award which is a well deserved pat on her back, Timeswatch wishes Ogechi Jude-Emezuom, an unassuming, downright woman, greater relevance in the comity of distinguished Patriots.