Emeagi Emeka Williams
In a world that keeps evolving,global trends keep changing and affecting the Scopes and dimensions of activities in different facets of human endeavour. The ways people and organisations do things nowadays pursue to conform to global standards.

Simmic school,a sprawling educational outfit that has stood the test of time in Lagos State,pursuing standard and attaining excellence for over two decades now is also caught in this web of development- so much so that it has adopted and injected developmental modus operandi to it’s already beautiful curricular.

The various departments such as food and nutrition,arts and craft etc are designed ultimately to equip pupils or students to become total and thorough when eventually projected to the societal stage.

Apart from the solid educational refining and empowerment that go on as basics here,the pupils are made to go through various other trainings that can keep them competitive in the larger society.

Permit me therefore to emphasize that at the back of the mind of the management of Simmic school lies a rooted consciousness that there is a whole new world lying in wait for the students who must conveniently take their rightful places in the commity of other future pace-setters. Sequel,the process of leadership is inculcated,imparted or taught,alongside academics,recreational activities and morals,right inside the Simmic world.
For instance,to occupy or hold positions such as; Senior Prefect;Health Prefect or Library Prefect,there is an electoral process which takes the form of the organised election activities; the pupils or students willing to assume such positions are selected for election,and it is usually constitionally put together to allow for campaigns and selling of manifestos. The most eligible student who exhibits the highest responsibility,capability,integrity and of course the wherewithal to run the school through exemplaries emerges winner.
The losers too are made to accept defeat with positive mindsets- just like in the larger society where losers in election contests must eschew bitterness in the spirit of sportsmanship.
What ensues eventually is a situation where the spirit,sense and passion for representative leadership or democratic values are implanted in the lives of Simmic students before they are sent forth for triumphant exploits.
These are not all that make Simmic thick. A visit to the school on the day of their Food and Nutrition class will force you to salivate and long for the assorted delicacies that the children will prepare to the delight of all. Another way through which Simmic school prepares pupils for the inevitable life of Independence and challenges of the future! So challenging and attractive are the ways boys struggle to surpass the cooking or catering qualities of the females; a situation that creates amazing vibrancy and competition amongst students. And these cultures of Simmic certainly are pursuant to excellence delivery in academics and other areas in the Simmic world!
Isn’t Simmic school a world of Champions indeed?