By Emeagi Emeka Williams
The Abia state born popular bishop who is also the president General Christian ministers universal forum, National Vice President Initiative for better and brighter Nigeria (IBBN) and President, Abia Justice Forum, AJF, Bishop James Grand Okacha, on Sunday at the Pentecostal Fire Ministry Int’l, Lagos, declared that come 2023, Abia state will recover from bad leadership and begin the process to sustainable economic regeneration.

This declaration was made when he reviewed a book written by Bishop Dr. C.C Peters titled ‘Recovery is Possible’, a book he described as the Epistle and summation of the life experience of a great man and servant of God.
Urging the people to go for the book with the view to getting bountiful benefits, Okocha emphasised that the significance of information is eternal and can never be over-emphasised, stressing that whatever a human entity becomes in life is a function of the information that person derived.

“Every human being is born with an empty brain that only gets environmental information that eventually form his/her knowledge or intelligence quotient/base.
“Every nature is feeble without a nurture”, OKOCHA buttressed as he shed greater light on the quality of the book birthed by the man he referred to as his teacher, mentor, father and friend.

Substantiating his political declaration on Abia state, Okocha pointed that his presidency of Abia Justice Forum was necessitated by the desire to bring an end to the spate of retrogressive and quasi-democratic leadership experiences in Abia state; sad situation he highlighted as being responsible for slow growth and misery.

Further, Okocha asserted that the AJF is on a mission to alter the culture of incessant socio-political injustice which has been the bane of good leadership, disclosing the readiness of the group to partner with all meaning Abians towards enthroning a people-oriented and-driven leadership that will be championed by Dr. Samson Uche Ogah, a man who is poised for humanitarian cum egalitarian leadership.
He proclaimed that the bizzare powers that be in Abia will lose their strangle hold on Abians in 2023, a dawn he said will mark the advent of economic so sovereignty and leadership productivity.
“Leadership is a serious business which must be taken seriously.
It is in view of this that the Abia Justice Forum has risen to ensure that Abians will defeat the agents and forces of electoral malfeasance to vote and install Dr. Uche Ogah who has consistently fought to take up political power to unseat the powers of darkness roaming and roaring the political leadership sphere of Abia State.
“The AJF will ensure that collective participation and support from well meaning Abia indigenes will result in overwhelming victory for Dr. Ogah in 2023”, Okocha ended.